July 09, 2013

27/52 Weeks of Gratitude

52 Weeks of More gratitude. More hope. More love. 
A week of gratitude for:

- a room of my own.
- waking to the sound of the ocean.
- morning light lightly caressing my face as I wrap fingers around a cup of tea gazing out the window.
- finding my way home from the city after getting terribly lost on my way there. 
- catching up with friends and one super cute toddler.
- staying up late, drinking wine and being fine the next day. When you have ongoing fatigue it's really easy to forget to lighten up and have fun. 
- the new energy I have for life. The move across the road has been very good for me. I feel light and playful. 
the way things keep falling into place and making sense. 
- not forgetting entirely how to read music and letting my fingers find the keys to play the beginning of für elise.
- winter sunny days. they are the best. 
- sunday afternoon baking. almond, coconut and raspberry muffins.

What's been happening in your world folks? What small and big moments are you grateful for? 

52 Weeks of Grateful link up has a new home at Octavia and Vicky. Thanks Maxabella for hosting at Village Voice for 79 weeks!

P.S I've created a Facebook page for the spaces between (and in the process learnt about social media icons-I had no idea those little buttons had a name).  Join me there for daily bits and pieces. 


  1. Just found your little piece of blogland. Lovely! And aren't winter sunny days the best? I'm *almost* as in love with them as I am with autumnal sunny days. But the light in autumn just edges out winter in my opinion.

  2. Lovely things to be grateful for, those muffins sound delish :) Thanks so much for playing with 52 weeks of grateful x

    1. Kylie I'm really enjoying the practice of gratitude and love that there is a place for us to connect weekly. x

  3. Beautiful gratefuls! You can't beat the sound of the ocean :)


thank you for sharing your thoughts. i love reading each and every comment x