52 Weeks of More gratitude. More hope. More love.
Grey skies and cooler Autumn days arrived this week. Just in time to fit with slow days spent indoors.
My Dad had to have further surgery and there were some tense hours waiting, waiting, waiting. Then there were waves of relief, love and gratitude when he was out and recovering in bed. It's tough watching someone you love struggle with illness. It sure is one way to remind you to live in gratitude, and to cherish each moment. We are very grateful for all those who've been thinking of us this week.
Each day Dad thanks us for being there with him and for all we've done and we respond that we're so thankful for all he's done for us and the merry-go-round of gratitude happily goes round and round.
Slow quiet days followed Dad's surgery and knitting, reading, drinking tea and quiet conversation became the daily rhythm. It's been nice to come together as a family and support each other.
More on knitting. I've found the perfect sized needle for my very basic knitting skills and I haven't dropped a single stitch. Bored with scarves and not quite being confident to progress onto anything further than knit one, knit one! last winter I turned to knitting blanket squares for the charity Wrap With Love (well to be correct I only managed one square last winter and you need twenty eight squares to make one blanket, oh dear!). As for this year I've already completed one square in a week and my sister has joined in and we're knitting a blanket for Dad.
Knitting always reminds me of one of my creative friends Liz, who can turn her hand to anything crafty. She's tried to advance my knittings skills to no avail I'm afraid, and it's not because of her lack of teaching skills. I was thinking of Liz as I was knitting, then later in the week she texted to say thanks for sharing with her a food blog I thought she'd like, and a little while later I walked past these gorgeous bunches of Lizzy's (pictured) and smiled and thought of what a lovely friendship we have.
And speaking of lovely creative friends, Jess and co over at The Hunter Woman are reflecting on what they're grateful for each day this week.
What are you grateful for this week?
Linking up with Maxabella for 52 Weeks of Gratitude.