January 28, 2013

52 weeks of More gratitude. More hope. More love.

Well folks...things have been a tad on the quiet side in this space!  I've been enjoying warm days and balmy summer nights, time to recharge and reflect on the past year.

Last year I began a series of gratitude posts which old readers will be familiar with 'More gratitude. More hope. More love'.  Originally I had thought I'd post one moment from each day that I was grateful for as a way to really notice and appreciate the simple moments in my days. Whilst I was still observing and reflecting on gratitude regularly, posting daily on the blog just didn't happen for me, when I did post it felt honest, but I didn't want to it to become something I forced myself to do. That just didn't feel right.

Moving into the new year, I started thinking about what I did want to continue with in my life and on the blog...I'm still loving exploring and sharing whole foods recipes, simple living and gratitude is something I want to continue.

And thus 52 weeks of More gratitude. More hope. More love begins as the first instalment, you could say, of a Wellness Project I hinted at last year. More about that later, but to summarise quickly, later in the year I'm hoping to explore the healing power of food and natural medicine, plus other components that contribute to health and happiness. I'm very keen to hear others experiences and words of wisdom on health issues. Having chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia I continue to search and try new ways to heal, and continue to have HOPE. Every little bit of energy I put in I know inches me a bit closer to healing.

So first up I've started a gratitude jar-a little place to house moments of gratitude  throughout the year. Each week I'll share some of these thoughts as well as a photo or two of what I've been grateful for that week. (At this stage you might be thinking where into Week 5 of the new year. I've been reflecting and taking photos throughout January and will post all of January's gratitude posts tomorrow).

Practising gratitude last year also showed me that when I get too busy I veer a little off course and tend not to live in the moment (you know what I mean..a racing mind, feeling cranky, the afternoon biscuits creep back in, no time for yoga!). Bam! before I know it gratitude has dropped off completely. As part of 52 weeks of gratitude I'll be sharing activities and strategies that help me stay in the now, make me happy and share words by many wise folk on the benefits of living a life filled with gratitude. I'm very excited to share what I learn over the year with you and to hear what you do to build gratitude and happiness in your life.

Inspirations so far on gratitude, celebrating the ordinary and living in the moment are Pia's lovely blog and book My Heart Wanders, The Happiness Project, and this new 52 weeks of Now project.

NOTE: This post has been updated (in case you wondered why it's not the same as when you first read it!). I edited out a few things out as I thought it was way too long-winded. Mostly I took out the details of my CFS symptoms (brain fog, headaches, post-exertional malaise, reaction to stress) and how I manage it well through living mindfully. I'll get back into all that later in the year through the Wellness Project.

P.s As we continue in the midst of storms and floods here in QLD & NSW I'm wishing everyone to stay safe and look out for your neighbours. It warms my heart to hear of how communities affected are pulling together to help each other out. 


  1. I'm looking forward to following along with you. Chronic fatigue is something that is close to my interestes as a few friends suffer from it and some research I did as part of my honours degree relates to looking for a potential cause. So wonderful to read that you are able to manage your symptoms so well - it must take some concentration and self awareness, as you seem to say with this post. thanks for writing this one, lovely. x

    1. Thanks G, it's always good to hear support and understanding x

  2. Love this idea of a gratitude jar! it's so easy to get caught up in the things that go 'wrong' and forget about the many, many things we have to be thankful for. I'm looking forward to following your journey and being inspired along the way.


  3. such wonderful and beautiful aims for the new year, so very inspiring. I look forward to all that you mentioned (or more or less, whatever feels right). it is amazing what connection and self awareness, or for me not building things up too much in my head, can do for your health. best wishes and warmth to you.xx

    1. thanks jay. I totally agree and am continually learning new ways to be self-aware. I'm slowly settling into a comfortable pace for myself in this space. x

  4. I love your project. While I don't have chronic fatigue, I do have other medical issues that mean managing my food intake and energy usage is very important for me to get the most out of my happy life. I hope that April has found you closer to finding what works for you - I find it's a constant tweaking process?!


thank you for sharing your thoughts. i love reading each and every comment x