I'm in a state of flux and I have to say I'm feeling excited, a bit scared and impatient! I want everything to have happened yesterday. To fill you in... big news here. Things are a changing. I've decided to say goodbye to my comfy home and job in Sydney and now I'm in limbo land in sunny QLD. I do like change and all the excitement that comes with it, new possibilities, people and environments, but all the uncertainty is proving to be rather daunting.
A few weeks ago the new plans all seemed to be going very smoothly, I was dreaming of a new house amongst trees, a veggie patch, a new job and the picture was taking shape....and then I hit a bump in the road that brought me straight back to reality and the picture faded away. Sigh, doesn't reality suck sometimes! For the moment, a new house, veggie patch and job are still unknown and I'm trying to practice more patience. You know when you hold on too tightly to an idea and in the process kind of strangle it? Well... I think I was holding on too tightly, wanting everything to happen quickly without laying the foundations properly, and now I've taken a step back, breathed out, and trying to let things happen more naturally. Learning to trust. I'm feeling lighter already and shifting my energies to celebrating the last days of the year with friends and families and basking in the delightful season of Summer.
I haven't given up on dreaming just yet though, and as Anais Nin said so eloquently,
"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country".Gratitude for change and all that it brings, warts and all.
Good on you Natalie for being able to stand back and breathe and be in the moment of now spending time with family and friends. So wise! Love that quote I haven't heard it before. Happy breathing and being in the moment to you x
ReplyDeleteoh embrace all that you are feeling and yes, exhale and hold it all still. you will know which direction to go and how to get there soon, in the meantime enjoy where you are. xx
ReplyDeleteThanks lovely Jay and Nikki x
DeleteHi Natalie, thanks for your Christmas wishes. It has indeed been great to e-meet you this year. Very excited to hear about your project in 2013. Look forward to hearing. Have a wonderful Christmas xx